A brief Introduction.

‘You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do’.
– Eleanor Roosevelt


1. My name is Ellie (or Eleanor, if you like) I am 22 and I am a create-aholic.

2. My hobbies include eating, exploring and some might say I am a feminist.

3. Expect bad grammar (ta dyslexia) and in no way seamless blogging (pardon the pun).

4. I am from England, and have a dual nationality with New Zealand (thanks Dad). You could also say that I am a little French thanks to my Grandma.

5. I am a recent graduate of London College of Fashion, studied BA (hons) Costume for Performance. I am currently starting a career in costume. Designer is my aim, but working in any department suits me!

6. I have a condition called ‘Coeliac Disease’ which means I cannot eat gluten.

7. I am a pescetarian. I only eat fish. Why? Because I will not eat animals I could not kill myself. I love animals!

8. I am scared of a lot of things – wasps, being attacked whilst home alone, fire, to name a few.

9. I am an entrepreneur, I try my hand at anything. I have a small business ‘Handmade by Ellie Skeet’ in which I make accessories, aprons and home decor pieces alike.

10. I really enjoy photography, I am not a photographer, but I do like to take good photos.

So, expect this blog to contain exuberant photographic documentation with poorly written blog posts about interesting people/ cultures/ experiences/ places around the world!

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